P1 - Visual Information Processing Model

The Visual Information Processing Model shows how we process information in our mind.

The first design project for the semester is to creatively analyze how a specific design might be processed using this model as described in your reading (#2), as well as the diagram below that we discussed in class.

First, adjust and/or reinterpret the diagram’s design as you see fit—simplifying or expanding it, reordering, and/or emphasizing sections and phases. 

Second, re-contextualize the model as a visual concept and/or metaphor.

Once the model metaphor design is complete, then you will use it to visually display our an example of graphic design—a poster or ad—might be  processed by the mind.

This will most likely require that you deconstruct your design example into its various elements and components as external stimulus, response, discard, and encoded and retrieved model/schema, then reconstructing it as it is PERCEIVED and PROCESSED in Sensory and Working Memory based upon expectations and the task at hand, and COMPREHENDED as memories, knowledge and experience in Long-Term Memory, ending up with the final design as a message.

Post all sketches, thumbnails, work in-progress, and final design on the entire on your class blog before the beginning of class on the days they are do. Bring your working project files to class as we will be working on the project.


Project Schedule

VIP Handout - Reading Outline Due                                          Thursday, 9/7

VIP Model w/ Concept /Metaphor - Rough Due                         Tuesday, 9/12

VIP Model w/ Concept /Metaphor - Comp Due                          Thursday, 9/14

VIP Model w/ Concept /Metaphor & Processed Design
  - Comp  Due                                                                             Tuesday, 9/19

VIP Model Poster - Final Due                                                     Thursday, 9/21